
I arrived at Duke Univ.

Dear, my family

  Hello, this is Naoya. Now, I'm in Duke Univ. First, I apologize for
contacting you so late. I couldn't use the internet, and I was so busy.
However, I called you yesterday evening. Did you checked it? My itinerary
was so fine, and I could meet my senior easily. My senior's name is Nakade,
who graduated from Asahikawa medical college about ten years ago. He is so
kind and good guy. He helped me about all of things. Yesterday, he poked me
up, and took me to my apartment house. And today, he guides me around Duke
Univ.  From now, I will meet this research center's boss, who is Dr.
Takahashi. I image what he is, and feel anxious. Today, they are planning
to hold my welcome party. I'm looking forward to attending it.
  I must stop writing until here. I will again write to you about how I'm
getting along. I'm sorry not to write in Japanese. However, I can read
Japanese this computer. Please send me a Japanese letter. If I can later, I
will write to you in Japanese. See you later.

Sincerely, from Duke Univ.

23:29 /

from Duke

Dear my family,

Good morning, my family. Now it is 10am in the U.S. From today, I was
given the theme of my study, started my own research. I have a lot of works
to do, so am very busy. However, every members are so good people, so you
don't worry. I will be able to study very well. Especially, Prof. Toku
Takahashi is a so good guy.  In addition, 5 of 8 members are Japanese in
this research team. That's why I don't have trouble with communicating. I
must return to study, so I stop writing to you. Tomorrow, I write to you
again. See you.

From Duke

P.S.   I have not connect my laptop to the internet because I had no time.
So I don't know whether I can use Biglobe or not. Please wait a minute. So,
please send your reply to this hotmail adress.

7/27/ 2004 2:00

Sorry, however I'm so busy. Please don't be angry.  I have already renewed
my driver's license. Don't worry about it. 

 Now, I'm in the international house. I registered here as a short studying
abroad student.  And, today I have English communication class. I'm looking
forward to
 participating it, and meeting many people who came from any
other countries.

  It is time I went out. So, I will send you e-mail this evening again.
See you.


2004/7/28/ 6:48

Dear my family

  Hello, this is Naoya. Right now, I finished today's work. I feel very
satisfied. When I came here, I felt that research was a little hard.
However, that is very important for me in the future. In addition, my
hates man is day off. So, I can work willingly. I wish I could work
everyday like today... It cannot be avoided. At first, I thought I came so
terrible place. However, now I feel satisfied more than ever. I have last
about 3 weeks, and I want to study as many things as possible.

  From now, I will go to other English communication class, for free! Do
you think that I go to English communication class too much, and neglect
my most important thing, which is a research!? Don't worry. The class I
told you in the previous mail finished yesterday. That class will start in
September. Today's class is another class. However, this class will also
run until August 5th. So, I have to seek another class if I have free time
and want to go to another English communication class. Today, I will
consult with a teacher. If the class which he or she introduce to me is
attractive and fits my schedule, I'll go there. If I can, I want to go.
Because I want to meet and communicate with many foreigners. And I want to
know a lot of culture and ways of thinking. 

As regards the shower, it is still broken... That's because I misunderstand
that my roommate had gone to the manager. I should have gone there. I had
no time yesterday and today, so I did neither go nor call the manager. I'm
so sorry to my roommate.... Tomorrow I never fail to do it.

  As regards my money, I understand what you said. Later, I will think and
hide my money where a thief couldn't detect.  I'll try. If you have good
ideas, please tell me.

  It is about time I went to the English class. I must stop writing to you.
See you later. I'll write to you soon.

From United States, Naoya

2004/7/29/ 8:22

Dear My family

  Hello. This is Naoya. Right now, I finished today's work at last. Now It
is 7 o'clock. From now I will go back to my house and start Karate
training. After that I read papers. I have been busy since I came here.
Sometimes, I want to have a day off, but I have to study in this chance.

  Yesterday, I made a friend with a Japanese. He came from Osaka
University. He got scholarship from Japan nation, and he does research with
no money from Duke University. He is very kind and intelligent. I'm lucky
to know him. Yesterday, he took me to a good Japanese restraint. I ate
Tempura and Sushi. I didn't eat rice for a long time, so I felt it was so
nice. I think I will feel so great, super, special wonderful when I come
back to Japan and eat dinner made by my mother. I want to go back to Japan

  Today, I stop writing here. I have a lot of things to do. I'll write to
you soon. See you.



Dear, My family

  Hi, this is Naoya. Now, I'm during long lunchtime. Today, I don't have
many research works. So, I have free time compared to other days. First, as
regards Osaka University, the university is "Han-dai", which was modeled as
"Naniwa University" in "Shiroi Kyotou".  So, he is very intelligent. In
addition, he gets scholarship from Japanese government, and can spend this
money for life and do research here. I have an English conversation class
today, too. There, I will meet him again. Maybe, we go to dinner together
today, too. Because he met me, were very pleasured, and made a friend with
me. He said that he feel very lonely and want to speak with Japanese. His
laboratory has no Japanese expect for him. That's why he is hungry for
Japanese differently from me.

  English conversation class is so attractive and very useful. This class
teach me about American history. A teacher suggests a theme, and all
students answer about it. The students spontaneously answer, so it is a
little difficult for me because I'm Japanese.  I think the style of this
class is common type in the United States, so many American can speak too
much. I learn one thing from this class. And this class has about ten
members, who are from variety countries. I would like to talk with them if
I have some chances.

  Since I came here, about ten days passed. One-third of my studying abroad
days finished. Time goes so fast. I'm familiar with this life. The more
days passed, the more I feel satisfied. I have last twenty days, I'll do my
best. See you.


2004年7月31日 9:03

Dear Naoya,
It's hot today.
Thank you for your mail.  It's always are gread plearsure to hear from you.
You are very busy from morning till night. aren't you?
You are sometime practice karate, aren't you?
Take it easy.
You are trulyatreasure for us.
We hope that you are never bored fruitful in Durham ,but every single day is full discoveries.
We hope to hard you that Living in America.
See you in August.
                   All the best, your mother.

2004年8月3日 21:02

Dear Naoya,
Thank you your mail and a pictture.  Where did you take it?
Now, .It has been almost two weeks since you went to Durham.
You are work hard everything, aren't you?
Now, What did you have eat every day?   You should have a balanced diet.
Do you miss my cooking?    I will cook for you after you come back to Japan.
Now,  You will speak to the whole university about a study. Do you so nervous?
Naoya, you are good in spearch.  Don't worry.
I think that you'll do jast fine.
You still have two weeks.
We  hope that you'll have many more memorable experiences there.
                                           Best  regard, your mother.

2004/8/3/  10:10

Dear My family


4 / 8 / 2004

Dear, My family

  Hi, this is Naoya. How are you? I'm so fine.  I have last two weeks. I
feel time goes so fast.  I sometimes feel here is good, on the other time I
feel like going back to Japan. When I came here, I knew that I like Japan
very much.  Japan is so easy for us to live. And I think that I can't live
here if all my life.

  I heard from the internet that Japan is the hottest summer since the end
of the war. Although I was surprised that here was so hot, both is same
because it is hotter in Japan than ever.  As regards temperature here, it
is too hot and often has rainy days. We have rainy days at least three days
per a week. If we go outside, it is necessary for us to have an umbrella.
Today is very fine and too hot. Right now, I have finished today's work.
From now I go to the Duke library and study. And then I'm planning to go to
English conversation class. See you.



Dear My family,

  I'm sorry to reply so late. It's because your letter(from Aug. 3rd to
5th) arrived today at last. That's why I have checked your e-mail right
now. Thank you for your e-mail. And thank you for your kindness. I think
that hotmail is sometimes busy, so sometimes accept e-mail a little late.
However, it's not a big problem. Like this we can contact with each other.

  I read my mother's e-mail, and were amazed every time. Your English is
very correct. I think you are more correct than I. You can live here, in
the United States, alone.

  And thank you for my father's good advise. Although I knew the politeness
is very important, I confirmed it again by your advise. Especially, Dr.
. Thank you so much.

 As regards him, he is very irritable, today. He has very changeable
feeling. I have troublesome dealing with him. However, I'm familiar with
him, don't notice his bad attitude. In addition, I have last only less two

  Oh, it is time that I would start my experience again. If I have time to
send you e-mail, I will send you again. See you. Bye.

Sincerely, your son.
Naoya Okada

Dear Naoya,
How're you getting along?
August is the hottest month of the year in Japan.  The heat is unberable here.
I open all the window from morning to night evey day.   Poti is always sleeping.
But she is hearty appetite as ever.
Saturday, I'll go to Asahikawa. Because we have to clean your room.
We're going to stay at the Tukigata spa after clean it.
And then we'll go to Iwamizawa Park on our way home from Tukigata.
I'll eat ice cream and Teng Manzyuu here.
I'm looking forward it.
Now, Do you have got finish my research paper within one week?
You are so busy.   Hang in there! THe future will smile on you.
I suppose you're learned great deal during your living abroad.
P.S  ( My English is full of mistakes , is'nt it? )
                                              Wish best wishes, your mother


Dear My family,

  Hi, everyone. How are you. Although I called you yesterday, nobody can
hold up. I feel a little sorry, but I will call you again before my
departure. As I told you, I'm so busy because I must prepare for my
presentation about my 1 month result.  That's why I send you short letter
and a few my photos. There is one man with me in this photo. He is the
person, who graduated from Osaka university and have doctor degree, and is
doing research about chemistry in this Duke Univ. I have last about one
week, I 'll do my best. See you.

 Your son, Naoya


Dear, My family

 Hi, this is Naoya. I'm writing e-mail to you in Dr. Takahashi's house.
Today, I was invited for dinner. And I was taken to the biggest shopping
mole, in Durham. As regards picking me up, I understand it. I will contact
you soon as I arrive at Narita airport. Tomorrow is my last day in Durham.
I have a lot of things to do, for example, cleaning, delivery, and packing
my bringing. And in two days, I must move to Japan. That's why I will be
so busy that I can't possibly contact with you at all until I reach Japan.
However, please don't worry. I can do very well about transportation,
because I have traveled from America to Japan many times. Everything is
Okay.  If I have any chance, I will contact you from Tront, Canada. See you
in Japan.

Sincerely, your son

18/8/2004  23:11

from Toronto, Canada

Dear My family,

 Hello, this is Naoya. I'm already in Toronto airport, Canada. In 3 hours,
I'll get into the airplane, which is going toward Narita airport, Tokyo.
Everything is fine, so don't worry. One problem I have is I couldn't buy all
souvenirs. Although I have a lot of free time to choose them here, I can't
afford to carry more things than right now. I have a lot of, heavy
souvenirs with my both hands. That's why I can't buy anymore than now.
 Anyway, soon as I arrive at Narita airport, I'm going to call you. However
international airline are often late for time. The further the flight
distance is, the more often it will happen. Please don't worry. I'm very
very very Okay. We will meet in Sapporo, soon. See you soon, in Japan.
